Crafty afternoon
>> Sunday, May 28, 2006
Today was a very busy craft shopping day. First of all two girlfriends and I went to the craft materials sale at the Textile Museum. Afterwards we took the Queen streetcar over to the Beaches, and visited Crafternoon Tea. The picture above is my favourite item I bought at Crafternoon Tea - a lovely little notebook by le petit pig. There was also a book binding worshop which I did and made a little notebook myself. I'm going to decorate the cover and maybe show that later.
In the meantime this is the back of the notebook, I love the beautiful bird prints on the cover. And even the pages inside are printed, with the label in the front and also you can see how small it is from my hand. There were even tinier ones for sale, but I really loved the bird decoration on this one.
But before Crafternoon Tea, there was the textile sale. I bought a big bag of fabric (despite plans to do no such thing). I had decided not to go nuts buying crafts supplies since I already have so much, but rather I had resolved to just look and maybe get a couple of things that I really really liked. But as you can see, they had so much good stuff at really low prices, most of the fabric pieces were $3 for large pieces, or $2 or less for smaller pieces. I'll be showing these in more detail once I start making things with them.
Here is one of my favourites though:
I also stocked up on wool for crewel embroidery - the largest bags were $3. So hard to resist! Plus I really do use it...
But back to Crafternoon Tea... they also had a hand spinning demonstration. I tried it out and found it actually quite tricky. I still don't really know how to do it - you can see my pathetic efforts on the spindle below. This was the kit I bought there for $10 - it included the spindle, instructions, my leftover bit of wool from the class (which was free) and a lovely big piece of blue/green roving. I will spin it someday! I found a great site that has little movies to show you how it works.
And finally just to justify all these purchases, I actually made something already, another apple themed pincushion. The first one I made got scooped up in my etsy shop, and I had some comments from people who had wanted one too. I really don't have any more of the other apple fabric, but this one is similar and quite cute - it's a cotton seersucker with apples and blue dots. My girlfriend Sarah found it first but let me have it!