Orange bird hat
>> Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Here is an embroidery I did on one of my hats. (I should clarify: I embroidered the bird, but I didn't knit the hat. I was outside yesterday and forgot to bring a hat. I got too cold so I bought one - shame on me! but at least it's 100% wool) I used some more of my stash of wool for crewel embroidery. I love the colour of this hat, and it has a fleece lining which makes it very snug, but I thought it was missing something so I decided to add a bird since I really liked how my iPod case turned out.
Speaking of yarn stashes, I got a little carried away at the Lettuce Knit (30% off all yarn) and Romni (25% off everything) boxing day sales. Here are pictures of just some of the yarn I bought. I am planning to start selling more of my knitted things next year, so hopefully it's not as crazy as it seems. My favourite is the blue in the middle of the following picture, which was a cash-in of a hand-made coupon that came in my Christmas stocking from Bradley. It's hard to describe exactly how lovely it is, the name is Alchemy Haiku, it's very fine, it's 40% silk and 60% mohair, and the colour is called Soft Turquoise.The following picture is of some beautiful pink yarns: 1. a bit fat nubbly one called "Curly Locks" from Fleece Artist 2. a variegated washable merino skein to make a pair of socks (something I haven't tried yet), also from Fleece Artist 3. two variegated kid merino skeins from Crystal Palace Yarns and 4. three light pink merino wool skeins.
The following picture are colours I didn't want that came in a bag with the pale pink merino above. They are purple, black and light yellow & cream merino wool ~70 gram skeins. If any one would like to trade me for these, please let me know!
Also not shown is the $80 in wool I purchased for a sideways scarf, vertical-stripe mittens for Claire, and my first hat.
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