Thrift Shopping - Alluring beauty
>> Monday, January 30, 2006
I love thrift shopping, at Goodwill, Flea Markets, Antique markets, and smaller stores, etc. I found a great little shop called Eclectisaurus (249 Gerrard St. E) on my way to drop off a Goodwill donation last week (I like to keep the cycle going so my place doesn't get crammed too full with odds and ends).
I've been spring cleaning, and sorting through my things now that my latest major illustration project is done and I have some more time. So although I was tempted to buy a charming vintage painted shoe black box, I ended up holding back and just buying this little tin. I thought it might be good for the ATCs I've been receiving, but it's a little bit too small. I love the graphics on it, and of course I couldn't resist it after I noticed someone had scratched "pink beads" on the front. Twice - so there wouldn't be any mix-ups? It turns out it's just perfect for my business cards.
In other news, I'm wondering if colouring my "Twelve Dancing Princesses" illustration could count for this week's Illustration Friday topic: Glamour. I'm finding that I tend to just tweak the topic into what I feel like illustrating! But we looked up Glamour and the Princesses definitely fit the "alluring beauty" definition. So there you go.
hi Claire - loving your blog as always. Have I told you yet? Your photos don't come up in Bloglines. Just thought you might not know about it. :)
I love second hand shopping, too, but you are so good to actually take stuff back as well! I would definitely go with "The 12 Dancing Princesses" for IF.
Thanks Rose!
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