Illustration Friday - Sea
The Owl and the Pussycat

>> Sunday, January 08, 2006

After taking a couple of weeks off, I'm happy to be doing another Illustration Friday. This is an illustration for the Edward Lear poem "The Owl and the Pussycat". The whole poem is here along with Lear's original illustration. Part of the challenge for me was to work on painting the sea itself, water can be tricky. I didn't want to be exactly realistic, of course, but I wanted to really suggest the sea in a simple way. (As usual you can click on the picture to see it larger.)

Another reason I wanted to do this illustration is to possibly use as my first ATC. ATC stands for "Artist Trading Cards". I just discovered this idea (and I have my first swap all lined up) thanks to a talented contact from Flickr. I looked "ATC" up online and learned more about them from this site. I have lots of ideas for mine. I want to have an illustration printed on them but they need to be handmade too, and be one-of-a-kind or at least one of a series. I'll post mine when I'm finished, and of course I'd love to do more swaps!


Anonymous,  January 08, 2006  

This is so wonderful. So cheerful and full of color. It would make a wonderful artist trading card! My sis-in-law recently took a class on creating artist trading cards, they are all so amazing.

Unknown January 09, 2006  

soooooooo beautiful and romantic

Deb January 09, 2006  

I love your illustration!

I'm an artist --new at ATCs also.

Would you be interested in a trade?

If so --contact me through my blog

Keep Creating!

Anonymous,  January 09, 2006  

Beautiful illustration.I like very much.J'aime .

Liz Jones January 09, 2006  

Love it! The colors are perfect for this poem--lookslikeitbelongs in a book!

Claire Louise Milne January 09, 2006  

What a great compliment, thank you! thanks to everyone for your comments and for visiting.
To answer questions: I haven't read The Jumblies.. I'd be happy to trade cards, I'll email about that. thanks!

Anonymous,  January 09, 2006  

I love your rendition of the Owl and the Pussycat. On the subject, Montana Public Radio, based out of Missoula, has an incredible daily children's radio program called The Pea Green Boat. It is, I quote: "the longest-running, regularly scheduled children’s program in public radio.” A year or two ago they had a drawing challenge where they asked kids to send in their drawings of the pea green boat. I would have loved to have seen them in person.
Unfortunately, we live about 10-15 miles out of range, but when we get a big antenna hooked up we ought to be able to get NPR again. For now, we just listen in the car every now and again.

Todd DeWolf January 09, 2006  

Excellent work. Very charming. Cheers!

valerie walsh January 09, 2006  

love this! wonderful in every way!!!

KarenW January 10, 2006  

Wonderful illustration. Very sweet.

Janet January 11, 2006  

I love the colors!

Anonymous,  January 12, 2006  

This is so sweet, so peaceful that it makes me want to be there with a firefly maybe?
-Marjorie Ann

Anonymous,  January 12, 2006  

I really like this. It's a great example of illustration for illustration's sake! Great work.

bee'nme January 12, 2006  

Sweet and colorful - it's just beautiful!

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