City of Craft - final sneak peek and coupon!
>> Friday, December 11, 2009
This is my last post before City of Craft tomorrow, and my last attempt to lure you out to my table. This first item looks like two items, but it's actually a doll ornament with two sides, one is a sleepy face, and the other is wide awake.
It's what I'm going to refer to as an heirloom ornament, because it took a looong time to make, and so it's more expensive than most of my things. All that detail! Sometimes I try out a new design like this and realize it isn't going to work out when it ends up taking days to complete. So this is the only one.

There's a cardboard tube on the inside, lined with fabric, so it holds its shape nicely.

And finally here's the coupon (I didn't manage to get it ready in time for the swag bags):

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