I've been Anthea Turnered
>> Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Things are getting very nice in our kitchen after all the chaos. There's still some chores to do: repairs to a hole in the wall next to the plumbing, more baseboards to cut, and we still have holes to drill for pipes. Also we need to create a shelf to go over the stove that the fan will attach to. But... all the cabinets are up, with their doors and hardware attached!
But to explain the title of this post, I am addicted to Anthea Turner's Perfect Housewife. It's on BBC Canada, my favourite channel. And I've been in a bit of an organization frenzy. I've used some of her ideas, and some of my own, but the main thing is that we have time now before the countertop arrives and I've been sorting out all the kitchen things so that they're grouped together in a way/place that makes sense. For example, all the baking supplies are on one shelf over the countertop which is next to the stove.

p.s. I also post on our Illustration for Kids blog, this post is about my art desk organization!
anthea turner! it's a bit random that you like her show, she used to be on blue peter and was considered a little cheesy in the uk a few years ago. i'm considering writing a post called "i've been claire louise milned" - your kitchen is amazing! and i bet it feels even better because you guys have done it yourselves.
Thanks for the compliment on the kitchen! It does feel good that we did it ourselves.
I can't help it, I still love Anthea - I find her household show so inspiring!
Its just darling. Its clean and fresh. Love it.
We newly remodeled our kitchen and it is so great. It just always seems so super clean now. Love that feeling.
Love the organization! And the colors in your dishes.
We finally installed all our pantry cupboards but they gave us glass shelves for one set of cupboards and regular shelves for the others which is weird because they both have glass doors. Now we have to take an hour drive back to Ikea to exchange the shelves so I'm still without organization in my pantry!
Oh, your kitchen looks lovely! It has inspired me to reorganize ours, someday, one day when we have time!:)I also have the same blue bowl as you I think (the one on the counter)- is yours a Fire King?
Thank you for the compliments!
Yes the bowl is a Fire king, I just used it for the first time today and I like how it's nice and tall for stirring (and not spilling) cookie batter.
Looking good!
I keep my lids with my containers by having them in the top one with the narrow ends in the container. Means you don't have to shift the whole pile just to reach the lid. You might also like to consider getting thin lid tidies for the inside of the cupboard doors if you want to be super-organised...
The kitchen looks really lovely.
I love all your dishes too, especially the ones with the brown bands around the bases.
LOVE this!
you are my new organization guru! i love your kitchen, but am especially coveting the wardrobe filled with fabric from an earlier post! your blog is lovely, it's so nice to meet you!
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wow...its all so pretty!
I know you didn't talk about it but I love you coffee pot on the counter top.
Does it plug in and brew the coffee all in the same pot?
its all very lovely.
thank you!
It's just a kettle for boiling water. I like it because the cord is attached to the base not the kettle jug part, so you can carry it to the sink - which is currently next door in the bathroom!
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