London - part two
>> Friday, November 17, 2006
When it came to craft shopping in London I relied on the advice of a fellow blogger: Ruth Singer who posted about textile shops she recommended. It turns out we were staying nearby to the shops she mentioned.
We found both Cloth House Shops and I took pictures at my favourite one. The picture at the top shows what I bought there, a nice soft blue gingham and a polka dot fabric, and some vintage trim. The trim was very expensive but I thought they were worth it.There were tons of spools with vintage ribbons and trim.
And of course the requisite wall of buttons:
We also visited the famous Liberty shop. They have several floors including home decor, jewellery and cosmetics. I bought a notebook, some fabric and a few buttons.
These are the cotton fabrics I bought, the one on the left has strawberries and flowers on it. These cottons are fairly thin and nice and soft - I would probably use them to line bags and pouches.
And that was it for crafts shopping. On the last evening we had planned to see a play about T.S. Eliot and his wife (Tom & Viv) but it was sold out. So I got my wish which was to see Mary Poppins which we had seen a poster for the day before. We bought two of the last four tickets ten minutes before the show began and I could. not. believe. my. luck. It was the perfect way to end our trip and I recommend it because it was Absolutely Wonderful. Happy two months Bradley!
this looks like wonderland.. I want to come in and shop shop..till I drop..
I just wanted to say thank you for the travelogue. The one time I went to London it was just about this time of year and so every year about this time I get a little London craving. What a great city it is!
oooohh, the fabrics are devine. So lovely and delicate looking. I wonder if knowing they are from London makes them even prettier?? I'm curious to know, where the Liberty fabrics much less expensive in London than in the States?
Sounds like a marvelous trip, great shopping and lots of fun. I love the buttons you bought.
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