The Compulsive Quilter
>> Wednesday, February 27, 2008
I accidentally pressed "publish post" before actually writing the post..
Anyway, I've now finished piecing together the quilt and basting it together. This is the quilt after being pieced:Then this is the quilt after basting with red and orange thread (to show up clearly):
Happily, you can now see the lattice pattern really clearly, which is what I had hoped for. Also everyone at the Workroom Quilt Sunday was really nice about the imperfections that were bothering me and agreed that this was good for something handmade. Also, Karyn has some great quality (but affordable) batting so I recommend getting yours at the Workroom. It's 90" wide so I only needed to buy 2 yards for this Double sized quilt.
I think I basted too much, but I didn't want to worry about shifting while I do the hand quilting. This way it's very secure and I didn't need to add any pins. Also I'd like to get by without a frame. Because I don't really need any more craft supplies and don't really want to buy one. (did I just say that??)
This is how it looks in the back:I used a sheet for the backing, but if you do this just check that it's not a very tight weave which can be hard to hand quilt. In case you're wondering, I haven't done hand quilting before but I love the way it looks so I'll be learning how. I'll let you know how that goes...
Next post I'm going to be showing off a 1930s quilt I just bought. It's beautiful!