Tiny Handmade Dolls

>> Thursday, November 26, 2015

Lately I've been all about doll making, it really seems to be the perfect fit for using all my favourite crafty skills. I've loved sewing dolls since childhood, but after re-connecting with the crafty community via Instagram I've been inspired to revisit a perennial favourite. Doll making has even allowed me to use my entire stash of craft supplies, assembled from years of collecting beautiful buttons, ribbons and trim, yarn, fabrics, wool felt and embroidery threads. Hoarding justified!

I've started putting some dolls in my Etsy shop, but most of them will be on offer at City of Craft. I was so happy to be picked for City of Craft 2015, it's my favourite show, and I'm always thrilled to be a part of it, it feels like such a privilege to be included with so much local talent. Can't wait to see you all there!


>> Saturday, August 01, 2015

Vintage sewing table makeover
So as you know I haven't been posting as often lately, and I have missed it. From time to time people mention they miss my posts at craft shows and I'm always very appreciative that people are interested in what I'm up to when there's just so much out there these days.
Mini deer - pattern from Tilda's Fairytale Wonderland by Tone Finnanger  
So lately I've been posting on Instagram as "needlebook" and I'm really enjoying it. This post is a peek at what I've been posting there. I find it makes a journal of my projects and gives me a sense of what I've accomplished which I really like.
"Cradle Me" blanket - on Ravelry
I always have a giant "to do" list of craft and decor-type projects and knowing I'm going to post it once it's done also motivates me to stop leaving projects half-finished. I really thought that blanket (above) was never going to get done...
Clover Make Up bag - pattern by Michelle Patterns
I also find it's easier to keep up with what everyone else is up to as well, and it's very inspiring to see what people are up to. So many new craft projects are on my list now!
Did you miss Francis?
If you're not into Instagram, I do post most of the same pics on Flickr, and I'm certainly not saying good-bye to my blog or anything like that. Anyway, back to that list...

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