Spoonflower sewing notions prints

>> Thursday, June 26, 2014

I happened to notice, a bit last minute, that the current Spoonflower contest has a sewing notions theme so of course I wanted to try it out. This is one of those contests where you need to create four fabric designs in a coordinated set. Denyse Schmidt will be one of the judges once the voters pick the top ten, so I felt inspired by one of my favourite fabric (and quilt of course) designers ever!

I ended up creating a coordinates set that has all the usual suspects - the stripe is made from lace:

Lace stripe
Some spools of thread create a check pattern:
Checkered thread
The pins look like polka dots to me:
Polka dot pins
And lastly the floral includes a little vintage toy sewing machine:
It can be a bit hard to see the details in the preview for the contest voting so I did scale the prints up a bit for the coordinates yard to make them more visible. I also created all the fabrics as separate prints in a medium scale. I've ordered samples so once those arrive I can make the fabrics available on Spoonflower.

Can't wait to see what everyone creates this time around! Have a look (and vote!) here.

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