Martha Stewart Monkey Cake
>> Friday, April 30, 2010
Francis lounging while Fifi does all the work
As promised, here are the picture of my birthday monkey cake. The recipe was from Martha Stewart, I had first seen it in the much missed Martha Stewart Kids magazine. Bradley used a different recipe for the interior, but it's still banana cake, of course.
I wasn't there, but these pictures were taken by Bradley so I could see that he had some help...
Although Francis doesn't seem to be helping much at this point..
But he does seem to be helping himself to some icing sugar..
Yum! Francis is transfixed by the delicious icing.
And finally, the beautiful finished monkey cake. The cake dome has a lip around the bottom, so Bradley put the ears on a bit higher which makes the cake look a bit like a bear. Bradley used chocolate buttons for the eyes, cut ones for the nose and a twizzler for the mouth.
And just so you can see how it's made, here's the inside! The gist is that you use a circular pan for the bottom layer, and a bowl for the top layer. Bradley cooked the ears in ramekins. So clever.
And the cake was delicious! Next up, I've been obsessed lately with sewing dresses.. lots and lots of them..