Spadina House watercolour
>> Tuesday, August 29, 2006
I thought I was busy before but it's getting even busier! These days we've been doing chores most of the evenings. One frustrating chore (that thankfully Bradley is taking care of) is getting the permit to serve wine. It's involved five trips to the LCBO so far, with maps, forms to fill out and letters needed for five different places, including the fire department, police, city clerk, public health and building division!
And of course at the same time we're preparing for our two week honeymoon in France ending with a few days in London, England. I'm so excited to go to France, I've been to England a few times but never to anywhere else in Europe. We're spending five days in Paris, then visiting Lyon and thereabouts including the Alps! Bradley has been all around Europe and he's so great at making the arrangements.
I get to do the creative things, such as the watercolour painting above of Spadina House which I used for our rehearsal lunch invitations. We've invited people to have lunch at the same place that is making our wedding cake, Dessert Trends. I did the watercolour using the photos I took back in April as a reference. Back then there wasn't much greenery yet so I added that in myself. We have a book about the history of Spadina House and I noticed in the historical photos that there were spiky plants in the middle of the flowers in the large urns and it's still like that today.